“We lost a deal because we failed to bring out a differentiator in our approach strategy to the customer. A few days later, we discovered a working solution that could have made a significant difference to the outcome of the deal! The solution was developed within our organization by the different group but we were […]
Category: Side projects
NetaNaap-Public perceptions on Indian politicians
Another app called NetaNaap, an attempt to build a public perception on the Indian politicians. Contrary to obvious belief, I started working on it much before the Mumbai terror attacks! When I came across Noah Brier’s BrandTags.net, I was impressed with the approach. After some thought on the possible adaptations from an Indian context, […]
Launching Indian Startup Timeline
Indian Startup Timeline is an initiative + application to build a single-point reference of the milestones and events that make up the lifecycle of any startup. The beneficiaries would be startups, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and practically everybody in the community. As I write this, the idea of IST is just 2 days young. It is […]
Flaunt It! is LIVE on Orkut
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Stockoogle.in – Harnessing Google power for your equity analysis
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ContestBuzz : A listing of skill-based contests, competitions & challenges
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Lauching DealMaadi.com
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